From 16/8/1995 , I born out .
Living at the earth with a warmth family together.
My parents gave me as much as possible love for me .
Tardily , I from a little baby became to a child .
Parents taught me how to write , how to study and how to speak.
When I was 4 years old , my parents send me go to kindergarten for gain knowledge .

When I was 5 years old I get ill .
I vomited many times at home , and my mom sent me to the clinic .
On the way going to the clinic , I in the car also vomited 2-3 times .
Mom very worried about me.
After two years , I graduated from preschool I go to primary school.
SJK(C) Han Ming school.
My life began more interesting , cause I start to face every problem by settle by myself.
I still remember , the first day I stayed at school I didn't have any fear or panic .
A boy who sit beside me and I holding each others hand from the first period until the last period.
Haha....damn funny .
I'm a naughty girl always talk much and play .
Teacher also hate me a lot .
When I was standard 3 , class 3A .
I same class with a girl who call Joey .
She is the girl I couldn't forgive and hate her forever .
What she did is hurt me a lot.
And also my family was happened something that I never expected it will happen to me .
I can't learn ballet anymore .
I cried .
Standard four , I very mischievous cause I frequently didn't done my homework .
My form teacher often hit me .
In a day of midnight , My stomach very pain ....I went to find my dad and mom .
My mom suspicious that I got a appendicitis .
My dad immediately sent me to clinic checked properly first .
The clinic doctor said I having appendicitis .
I felt so scare .
After that , dad sent me to Sunway Medical Centre Hospistal.
After one week I back to home .
Standard 5 , I have some good friends .
In the year we never argue and very close together.
But when I standard 6 everything is getting worse.
Students between student relationship very bad.
I want you die , you want I die .
So dangerous .
After standard 6 I learned do not easy let friends get benefit from me anymore.
Time gone very fast , I already 13years old could say I'm a teenagers .
Form 1 life is more difficult and more pressure to me .
And I start to feel like want couple .
At last I also can't stand allurement .
I couple with a guy.
Form 2 , I same class with a girl who name Goh ching en .( is my best friend now)
And also a girl call Agnes .
Three of us are very close always have fun together .
In this 2009 year I broke up with the guy.
Until now 2010 year , My friend Agnes had betrayed me.
She hurts me a lot and now I couldn't forget and forgive .
I try to forget but my heart is still pain .
  Goh ching en become the top best friend in my life now.
In this year I really gain a lot.
I know how to Independence , how to be a good daughter and protect myself .
Is good for me .
So now my life is interesting and wonderful.
Hope it won't be worse again.
I will appreciate my family and who treat me good .
Be happy =)!


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