Among my friends they might don't know what is ESTP .
I very grateful to know about this.
Due to this I get back my confidence and everything.
I won't get hurt or envy them again and again , cause I know more about you .
I really stupid , always think that you are greater than me, everything are perfect.
But now is different.
No matter how good you are , you never could be .
You can thought that I'm bullshitting .
Time will prove to us.
I won't be the girl who always give up when problem are there , full of fearful and thinking nonsenses again.
I very cleared know what I want .
Just like what my friend said You can kill a person , but not an idea.
I'm changing myself to be a successful person.
Without friends support or who I could live better also.
Just like my type, always solo.
I very curious that would you regret what you did last time?
Maybe not.
Yea, admit that I do care who you are .
But now, I don't wanna give a shit.
I'll keep pushing up and up .
Who ever look down me before , I will prove to you that you were wrong.
You will change your mind one day and admire me .
While you reading this , your mind maybe is thinking that why this girl so arrogant?
Hahha...Only some will know what's I thinking now.
Then congratulation .
Having a good result is not mean that you are success in your life .
Is just temporary in front your eyes for some person.
I will show how much my power I have now .
I want to be a powerful women , not a loser !
Want to be followers or a leader , think yourself which is suit your life .

ESTPs are outgoing , straight-shooting types.
Many of my friends they can't bear when I was talking to them , but only closer friends I did it.
They don't know , they think its hurt them....
Fine , I change .

Have an uncanny ability to perceive people's attitudes and motivations.
Pick up on little cues which go completely unnoticed by most others types , such as facial expressions and stance.
Use this ability to get what they want out of a situation.
When someone is lying , my senses telling me that is a lie.
Even I knew that is a lie I will acting nothing and ignore.

Rules and laws are seen as guidelines for behavior , rather than mandates.
If has decided that something need to be done , then their '' do it and get on with it'' attitude takes precedence over the rules .
Tends to have their own strong belief in what's right and what's wrong , and will doggedly stick to their principles.
The Rules of the Establishment may hold little value to the ESTP , but their own integrity mandates that they will not under any circumstances do something which they feel to be wrong.

Moreover , have a strong flair for drama and style . Fast-moving , fast-talking people who have an appreciation for the finer things in life. Usually good in story telling and improvising . Typically makes things up as they go along , rather than following a plan . Love to be fun and fun people to be around .

Impatient with theory , and see little use for it in their quest to ' get things done ' . Occasionally have strong intuition which are often way off-base , but sometimes very lucid and positive.Often has trouble in school , especially higher education which moves into realms where theory is more important. Get bored of it with classes in which they feel gain no useful material which can be used to get things done. May be brilliantly intelligent , but school will be a difficult chore for them .

And also have a natural abundance of energy and enthusiasm , which makes them natural entrepreneurs . They get excited about things , and have ability to motivate others to excitement and action. Can sell anyone on any idea. Action-oriented , and make decisions quickly .

ESTPs are practical , observant , fun-loving , spontaneous risk-takers with an excellent ability to quickly improvise and innovative solution to a problem. Enthusiastic and fun to be with , and great motivators .